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Dr Geraldine Naidoo

Stress and Anxiety Specialist

Calm Clear Connected Present

Dr Geraldine Naidoo

Stress and Anxiety Specialist

Calm Clear Connected Present


For Executives, Corporate, and Individuals battling Stress, Overwhelm, and Chronic health Symptoms and Syndromes


Are you looking to

Boost your energy

Increase clarity and focus

Overcome anxiety

Handle overwhelm to avoid feeling like you are drowning

Understand your deep emotions, and how to best handle them

Improve the quality of your relationships

Feel more vital, alive, and connected every day

I work with you to provide sustainable changes, based on your own needs & requirements.

Results are thus



    I establish the root causes of Health Symptoms and Syndromes.

    As a Trauma Certified Professional, I help  regulate your nervous system, and all other body systems

    Your body will unlearn mental and physical programming that keeps you locked in Anxiety , and restrict you from optimal functioning.

    The results are:
    • more energy
    • an increased competence for life,
    so you are free to excel in your career, and in your relationships!

    Reclaim your joie de vivre  with highly effective and sustainable Stress and Wellness solutions, based on more than 20 years of experience.

    Using a multidimensional approach, I support you in dealing with

    • Anxiety,
    • Depression,
    • ADHD,
    • Autoimmunity
    • Chronic Pain
    • Chronic Health Conditions
    • Menopause/Perimenopause


    In the busyness of life, it can feel impossible to make time for wellness, but wellness does not happen automatically!

    Your wellbeing is not a bonus in life. It is a pre-requisite for a successful career, joyful relationships, and a happy life! This is not negotiable.

    I offer online private consultations if you are unable to come out to see me. Lets meet in the comfort and familiarity of your own home/office, so that you can still benefit without sacrificing travel time in your day.

    FACT: If you don’t pick a time for rest and rejuvenation, be sure your body will pick a time for you_ and you may not like it!

    My practice is informed by:

    • Quantum Theory Principles (the Biofield is the principle governing agency).
    • Somatic Interventions (Peter Levine, David Berceli)
    • Proven Mind-Body intermediations
    • Polyvagal theory (Dr Steven Porges)
    • Trauma Counselling(Dr Bessel van der Kolk, Thomas Hubl))
    • Compassionate Inquiry( Dr Gabor Mate)
    • Breathwork (Kaya Leigh, Sacred Breath Academy)

    Your tailor made Wellness Solution is, thus,
    • truly holistic
    • honoring of human complexity
    • there are NO contraindications!

    Change is an ever present possibility!

    book your consultation now.

    • Quantum Theory Principles (the Biofield is the principle governing agency).
    • Somatic Interventions (Peter Levine, David Berceli)
    • Proven Mind-Body intermediations
    • Polyvagal theory (Dr Steven Porges)
    • Trauma Counselling(Dr Bessel van der Kolk, Thomas Hubl))
    • Compassionate Inquiry( Dr Gabor Mate)
    • Breathwork (Kaya Leigh, Sacred Breath Academy)

    Your tailor made Wellness Solution is, thus,
    • truly holistic
    • honoring of human complexity
    • there are NO contraindications!

    Change is an ever present possibility!

    book your consultation now.

    Unique Approach

    Oh no! NOT THIS AGAIN! When are things going to change?”
    Have you noticed patterns repeating themselves in your lifes experience??

    FACT: Patterns repeat themselves on varying scales at varying degrees. Progression looks like: identifying and moving beyond the established repeated pattern!

    I am both practiced and skillful at discovering the roots of repeating patterns, and what this means for each individual who finds themselves sick, stressed, and/or overwhelmed by life. The roots of these patterns are often found in a combination of

    • your personal biology
    • your unique life experience,
    • your ancestry (epigenetics)
    • as well as the broader cultural/societal/political impacts.
    I have studied this in depth, so you don’t have to!

    Ready to get Started? Schedule a Call!

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