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Dr Geraldine Naidoo

Stress and Anxiety Specialist

Calm Clear Connected Present

Dr Geraldine Naidoo

Menopause Bios

Calm Clear Connected Present


For Executives, Corporate, and Individuals battling Stress, Overwhelm, and Chronic health Symptoms and Syndromes

A Journey to Anxiety-Free Living: Empowering Women Through the Menopausal/Perimenopausal Maze

Picture this: you’re navigating the twists and turns of menopause, feeling like you’re in a never-ending rollercoaster of symptoms. And then, there it is—the anxiety that hits you out of the blue, unwelcome and unplanned, yet crippling in its intensity.

But wait, here’s a plot twist!

Enter: Dr Geraldine, Menopause Champion

Offering: An Anxiety Free Menopause/Perimenopause!

With over two decades of experience as a Stress and Anxiety Specialist I am here to transform that rollercoaster ride into a thing of the past!

Yes, you read that right!

While there is plenty of available information on menopause related diets/exercises/hormone replacement therapies etc. there are not many specialists available to help with menopausal anxiety.

But here I am with a bold, proven offering:

You can live an anxiety free menopause/perimenopause!!!

I provide

  • Personally Tailored Solutions for the Individual.
  • Educational talks(For men and women).
  • Support Groups.
  • Corporate Solutions(80% of women in the workforce are in perimenopause).


or a copy of your first FREE DIGITAL Menopause Magazine with loads of relevant information, contact me now*


Fact : Anxiety during menopause is a common experience


  • I provide noninvasive, evidence based strategies and support to help manage and alleviate symptoms of anxiety during menopause/perimenopause.
  • There are no contraindications to my solutions, so it is suitable to every woman, no matter the current menopause/perimenopause diet/plan/medical protocol you may be following.
  • At drgeraldine.com we’re all about personalized solutions that will have you feeling like the queen of your own menopausal kingdom.

Say goodbye to the days of just “managing” symptoms – we’re talking about a complete transformation that will leave you saying,

“Wow, Is this really menopause?”

Picture this: A journey through menopause and perimenopause where anxiety isn’t just “managed”, but is used as a  stepping stone towards newfound peace, self-understanding, and vitality.


That’s the essence of my PhD doctoral thesis, where I explored the incredible potential of a full Mindbody approach in alleviating the symptoms of anxiety during this transformative phase of life. It’s not just about treating symptoms; it’s about embracing a holistic approach that nurtures your mind, body, and spirit through this beautiful  and most natural transition that woman are blessed with.


Welcome to drgeraldine.com, where we’re all about turning those menopausal woes into moments of triumph!


At 53, I am living proof that menopause can be an absolutely beautiful time of life !


So , what’s the deal with Anxiety and Menopause/Perimenopause?

Research indicates that anxiety not only accompanies menopause but can also exacerbate its symptoms. The physiological effects of anxiety, such as increased cortisol levels and heightened sympathetic nervous system activity, can worsen hot flashes, sleep disturbances, and mood swings, making the menopausal experience more challenging.

Some common ways anxiety can show up during menopause:

Challenge 1: Heightened Emotions

Fluctuating hormone levels can lead to mood swings, making women more susceptible to feelings of anxiety, irritability, and emotional sensitivity.

Solution 1: I help with emotional regulation, and establish the roots of deep triggers. I teach you how to understand and manage your own emotions, so you are empowered with solutions that you then powerfully hold in your own hands. This ability to Self-manage takes the crown!

Challenge 2. Physical Symptoms

Hot flashes, sweating, rapid heartbeat, dizziness, and difficulty breathing can be overwhelming. Especially when you need to do an important presentation or have a super important social engagement! Because you never know when symptoms will show up, the anxiety and anticipation of these incidents adds to the overwhelming mix.

Solution 2: Using multiple proven somatic(body-based) approaches I help you be comfortable in your amazing body. Say goodbye to the uncertainty and anticipation, and hello to a newfound sense of calm and control. With my support, you will breeze through presentations and social engagements, empowered to shine brightly without the fear of symptoms potentially arising.


Challenge 3:Sleep Disturbances

Disrupted sleep patterns during menopause, can exacerbate feelings of anxiety and contribute to a vicious cycle of stress and sleeplessness. You find yourself spending your days in a state of constant lack, constant fatigue.

Solution 3: As evidenced by all the participants in my research study, I help break the cycle of stress and sleeplessness to restore balance and vitality to your life. Wake up refreshed, energized, and ready to conquer your day with a newfound sense of calm and clarity. That’s the much desired  transformation our solution brings.


Challenge 4: Cognitive Changes

Difficulty concentrating, memory lapses, and foggy thinking,  can be unsettling and contribute to feelings of anxiety, which in turn feeds back into the loop of symptoms.

Solution 4:  A regulated nervous system says goodbye to most of that! Experience mental clarity like never before – our solution minimizes brain fog and memory lapses, empowering you to focus, remember, and feel confident in every moment.”


Challenge 5: Changes in Self-Image

Changes in physical appearance and body image, can trigger feelings of anxiety, self-doubt, and a fear of aging.

Solution 5: Rediscover confidence and embrace your beauty at every stage of life with our transformative solution – say goodbye to self-doubt and hello to radiant self-love. I help you deal with deeply rooted belief systems so you can embrace life with the joie de vivre you crave!


Challenge 6: Life Transitions

Menopause/Perimenopause is a significant life transition, often coinciding with other major life changes such as children leaving the nest, career shifts, or relationship adjustments. These changes can contribute to feelings of uncertainty and anxiety about the future, and all this exacerbates symptoms.

Solution 6: I work with you so you gain clarity, calm,  and acceptance of your (new) purpose/direction, or help you feel more established in your current role. As you elevate yourself with my expertise, you will learn to  navigate this major transition  with confidence, helping you emerge stronger, more resilient, and ready to embrace the next chapter with joy and vitality.”


Challenge 7: Health Concerns

Menopause is a time for self-reflection. It shouldn’t be a time for anxiety about health and aging, but it is a time when women become more aware of their health and mortality. Concerns about aging, chronic health conditions, and the potential for future health issues can increase anxiety levels.

Solution 7: Our solution offers a pathway to peace by addressing the root cause of anxiety. Fact: Stress induces inflammation. By reducing stress, we tame inflammation, thus easing current conditions and also worries about future health issues, and essentially promoting overall wellbeing.


 So, if you’re ready to trade those menopausal blues for some serious glow-up moments, you’re in the right place. Let’s embark on this journey together, armed with compassion, understanding, and a sprinkle of magic to make YOUR menopause/perimenopause a breeze.


Welcome to www.drgeraldine.com  where the only thing hotter than a hot flash is your newfound confidence!


See also www.menopauseexperts.com


“ I thought I had tried everything in the wellness world! I was even diagnosed with depression to add to my early onset menopause woes! I did not realize that my body itself has a memory storage system of my life’s experiences, and the somatic processing was a game changer for me in every way! This has been a mind-blowing trip for me to discover what was actually at the root of my anxiety! Chronic pain and discomfort also went away. I did not know all this was related to anxiety! Now I can focus on my goals without being distracted by anxiety. Thank you Dr G! you are an absolute God-send mashallah!”

Shaikha, age 47

“I was skeptical at first, but Dr Geraldine has truly transformed my menopausal experience. The anxiety and hot flashes were driving me crazy, but her expertise and support have been life-changing. I did not expect results so quickly! I feel like myself again – confident, vibrant, and free from the grips of menopausal anxiety.”

Shatha, age 51

“Before discovering DR G, I felt like menopause was taking over my life. The anxiety and mood swings were relentless. I was unable to focus at work and my job security felt threatened which added to my stress, and my symptoms! But after just a few weeks of working with her, I feel like a new woman! My anxiety is under control, and I feel more present and calm. My energy levels have also gone up tremendously. I highly recommend her!”

Tracey, age 47

“Dr. Geraldine has been my saving grace through menopause. What once felt like an uphill battle now feels like a victory lap! And trust me, victory laps are way more fun than uphill battles.”

Anne, age 53

“I can’t thank you enough, Dr Geraldine, for helping me through this challenging phase of life. The anxiety and sleepless nights were overwhelming, but the personalized solutions made all the difference. I understand myself in a profound new way. Now, I wake up feeling refreshed and ready to tackle the day with a newfound sense of calm and vitality.”

Salama, age 50

“She is a fully licensed Menopause Expert, collaborating with the internationally acclaimed Menopause Experts Group.

More than 20 years clinical experience”

Ready to get Started? Schedule a Call!

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