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Dr Geraldine Naidoo


Calm Clear Connected Present


For Executives, Corporate, and Individuals battling Stress, Overwhelm, and Chronic health Symptoms and Syndromes


Every symptom tells a Story.

If you are looking for real lasting wellness results then you are in the right place.

As a results driven Practitioner, I will show you measured change from your very first session.

Did you know: Stress and traumatic experiences don’t always show up as explicit memories?

More often than not it shows up a lack of focus, anxiety, panic attacks, depression, chronic pain, overwhelm, exhaustion, insomnia, anger, irritability, addiction and any number of other chronic symptoms and health syndromes.

Stress and trauma lands in the physical and mental body, leaving layers of invisible bruises which can keep you in a state of collapse and infirmity (sickliness).

You probably already know that Your physical Body keeps the score of your life’s experiences.

My expertise is to help your body unlearn the habits, beliefs, biochemical pathways and postural patterns that are restricting the healthy functioning of your body-mind.


TRE ® (Tension & Trauma Release Exercises) has revolutionized the approach to stress, tension, and trauma. TRE is about activating and working with the whole body system to release energy that became

“stuck ” in your muscles and other body systems as a survival response to stress/trauma.

**Learn simple TRE exercises in just 5 guided sessions, and have this safe, self regulating tool in your hands for your continued use, to “shake off” your stress.

The Benefits:

  • TRE is an empowering resource that utilizes the body’s natural ability to shake.
  • Continued use helps build capacity and physiological resilience within your nervous system + immune system.
  • Regular use helps you create deeper relaxation improved sleep reduced pain reduced physical tension greater resilience reduced occupational stress improved core stability more energy & vitality stronger mindfulness faster recovery empowered relationships natural calm and patience
  • There is no substitute for somatic intervention.
  • Stress and Trauma lands in the physical body, leaving layers of invisible bruises which keeps you in a chronic state of collapse. The resulting “stuck-ness” or limitation restricts not just physical movement, but also your movement into life itself. This cannot be undone with words alone.
  • Dr Geraldine provides and teaches TRE© to groups and individuals who regularly experience stress, anxiety, frustration, anger, and irritation.
  • She also effectively incorporates this “talk-free” release therapy into her trauma work.

*Sessions are online or in-person.

Note: TRE ® supports, but does not substitute/replace psychological counseling.

TRE® is to be practiced only with a qualified TRE ® Provider who will assess your requirements and support

Safe and Sound Protocol (SSP by Steven Porges) 


Safe and Effective for all ages, the SSP has been designed in the form of specially filtered music to help regulate the nervous system, and help you better connect with yourself, and with the world around you. The SSP supports the inner ear muscles (the stapedius) to receive cues of connection and safety.    As the vagus nerve is directly linked to the inner ear ,when the muscles are not working properly, the nervous system feels  threatened. this music sends a message of safety. It is delivered as 5 hours of music, one hour per day over 5 days.

Who is it for?

The SSP is backed by 25 years of research and has proven helpful in reducing symptoms and in supporting overall health and wellbeing for those who seek help with



Sensory processing difficulties

Learning difficulties


Autism, and other neurodevelopmental differences

Trauma history

And more

Each soundtrack has been filtered through a patented algorithm which highlights specific frequencies of sound that are similar to the human voice. As you listen, these highlighted frequencies then send cues of safety to the nervous system. This retunes vour nervous system in a way that makes you feel more settled, calm, engaged, and balanced.

Used in combination with a stress relief session tailored to individual need.


Improved response to stress

Better emotional regulation and resilience

More social connection and deeper relationships

Better sleep

Better digestion

Better concentration

Better communication and participation in meaningful relationships

Better response to difficult or challenging situations

Move through temporary setbacks with more flexibility and ease for more info see whatisthessp.com

Reconnect and Restore: (Women’s ½ day group workshop)

Your fatigue is real
Your exhaustion is real
Your overwhelm is real
With all your responsibilities and daily challenges, your world is not set up to protect your mental or emotional! well-being!
Here is your chance to take a much needed break and accept some support!

Who this is for:
Specifically tailored support to address the self care needs of moms experiencing high stress levels as a result of accumulated / ongoing challenges.

Practical, PROVEN Tools and Strategies to cope with ongoing stress, build emotional strength, reclaim inner calm, increase your capacity, and revive your spirits!

A sacred and therapeutic time apart to honor your journey, bond with other moms who “get” you, feel fully understood, be witnessed and held in a safe, supportive, and nourishing sisterhood.

Unrestrained: Half day workshop for men

Your fatigue is real

Your exhaustion is real

Your overwhelm is real

With all your responsibilities and daily challenges, your world is not set up to protect your mental or emotiona! well-being!

Here is your chance to take a much needed break and accept some support!

Who this is for:

Specifically tailored support to address the self care needs of moms experiencing high stress levels as a result of accumulated / ongoing challenges.


Practical, PROVEN Tools and Strategies to cope with ongoing stress, build emotional strength, reclaim inner calm, increase your capacity, and revive your spirits!


A man needs to feel capable, powerful, respected, competent, and even admired, but with difficult-to-handle medical diagnoses, its easy for The Provider to feel undervalued, disempowered and unappreciated.

This is a dedicated, safe, supported space to honor your challenging journey and restore your capacity..

Ready to get Started? Schedule a Call!

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