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Dr Geraldine Naidoo

Stress and Anxiety Specialist

Calm Clear Connected Present

Dr Geraldine Naidoo


Calm Clear Connected Present


For Executives, Corporate, and Individuals battling Stress, Overwhelm, and Chronic health Symptoms and Syndromes


Geraldine is a tremendously talented Practitioner! She is a compassionate and kind human who uses her skills professionally to gently guide you through your healing process. She has supported me through my journey of healing and self- awareness, on an ad hoc basis for over 4 years now, with so much tenderness, knowledge, patience, wisdom, and encouragement, allowing me to always feel comfortable and in a safe space to share and open up. I am extremely grateful to have met her and to have not only witnessed the positive results on myself from this method of healing, but also gained many skills and techniques  to improve my mental and physiological wellbeing on a daily basis.

K age 42, CEO

My 18 month old toddler went to nursery school for the first time in January this year. As an only child, and a so-called “covid baby” – he had spent all day, every day of his life at home with both mom and dad. The first 2 days at nursery school were a breeze with new faces, new toys, news spaces and new friends. By day 3 the novelty had worn off and tears emerged as we handed him over to his carers. The tearfulness escalated from day to day and it seemed as though he had lost interest in being there at all. Until our session with Dr Geraldine. 

The change was remarkable, his teacher beamed with pride and joy as she came out to meet us – exclaiming that he had a “really really good day”:…  she seemed pleasantly surprised at how ‘engaged, excited and active’ he was.

This is how she summarized his week: 

Jace had a fantastic week! He was so full of love and joy, and is always there to lend a helping hand. Jace is doing so well in class and is making new friends! Have a wonderful weekend!

I smile quietly as I thank God for Dr Geraldine and that my son is his old joyful self again.

DS age 39, Business Executive

Thanks to Geraldine I have gained important and cathartic insights on my emotional self.  An eye opening journey with some amazing “a ha” moments and at other times deep resistance that needed time and patience to get to a place of acceptance.  If you are ready to face yourself and delve into the good, the bad and the ugly of your behavior, triggers and thought processes that limit you, then Geraldine is the person you need. I am grateful  that I have Geraldine in my life and for all the major positive shifts that have happened through our sessions. I look forward to what has yet to be uncovered and would recommend Geraldine to anyone!

SG age 40, Marketing Executive

I started my healing journey with Geraldine in 2013, and just after 1 session so much was revealed and healed, we worked on many belief systems that I had formed over the years and  addressed them and two weeks later my husband walked into my life! I knew  that was a direct result of the work Geraldine did. Through our work I have really come to understand how the mind, body and soul are interconnected, before every major life decision / change / transition I have turned to Geraldine for advice and guidance to make sure I’m approaching these decisions with positivity and hope instead of despair and fear. Each and every time Geraldine has guided me safely through some very difficult times. The most painful part of my journey with Geraldine was when I had to terminate  my pregnancy due to medical reasons the wisdom, strength and acceptance that came out of my work with Geraldine proved to me that with the understanding of ourselves and our bodies I have learned  how our bodies always know better than our brain and work to protect us and that we must trust in that power and respect it and nurture it.

I have also worked with Geraldine at times that my daughter has not been well -and the knowledge and understanding imparted to me during those sessions were beyond any current modern medicine doctors could ever explain!

Over the years I have come to respect, admire and trust Geraldine’s methodology and techniques so much, that I cannot go ahead with any major life decision without consulting with her first and every single time I have benefited.

Over the years I have also sent numerous family members and friends many of them with undiagnosed and unresolved health issues and she’s been the only one to address them.

I’m incredibly grateful to have come across this type of healing and find it a vital part of my emotional and mental well being


AA age 45, Entrepreneur and Mom

As a mother of an autistic son, it was hard for me to balance life, work and being a mom. A mom that is always tired and needs to be on her game 24/7. Dealing with multiple struggles daily became too much to bear and I didnt know where and when I was going to drop the ball and that’s when I met Dr Geraldine. After seeing her and seeing I feel that I found some parts of me that I thought I had lost.  I still have so much to work on but with Dr Geraldine’s guidance and expertise, I know the tools she gave me will last. 
After the session with Dr Geraldine, I could see an immediate ” calmness” in me and I could see that change reflecting in my son too. He was calm, because I was calm. I could take on the world again and remembered that I need to breathe! 
Thank you

BR. Autism Mommy

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