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Dr Geraldine Naidoo

Stress and Anxiety Specialist

Calm Clear Connected Present

Dr Geraldine Naidoo


Calm Clear Connected Present


For Executives, Corporate, and Individuals battling Stress, Overwhelm, and Chronic health Symptoms and Syndromes




Do you wish to feel CALM, CLEAR, PRESENT, POWERFUL, & CONNECTED with an overall sense of lightness and increased energy?

If you:

  • Are struggling to cope, feel overwhelmed or feel like you are drowning
  • Feel more emotional/reactive than usual
  • Are struggling to maintain a healthy relationship with a significant other
  • Lose focus easily, have no clarity, or feel altogether unfocussed
  • Are constantly anxious, have anxiety attacks or panic attacks
  • Feel constantly exhausted even though you practice good diet and exercise
  • Experience chronic pain/ongoing symptoms that wont go away in spite of medical intervention
  • Are struggling with professional or social relationships
  • Feel stuck Physically and/or emotionally.
  • Resort to addictive behaviors to escape the difficulties of your life

Let me help you optimize your wellness and empower sustainable leadership with solutions based on your own needs, ensuring desirable, impactful results.

Here are some key benefits:

  1. Improved Physical Health:
    Stress is well known cause of illness. The body stores stress and stressful memories. Actively reducing the impact of stress on mind and body with somatic practice can reduce symptoms and syndromes commonly associated with chronic disease and poor health conditions.
  2. Enhanced Mental Health:
    Learn to look at your life’s story with compassion and understanding while leveraging yourself with the help of a Trauma Certified Professional.. This reduces anxiety and depression and results in an overall sense of empathy and clarity.
  3. Increased Energy Levels:
    Stress feels heavy, burdensome and overwhelming. Intentional well ness supports habits that revitalize and re-energize you, reducing fatigue, and promoting vitality.
  4. Better Stress Management:
    Its not just about being calm in one random moment after your consultation, its about building capacity and increasing your bandwidth so that you can bounce back whenever life does throw you off balance! NeuroPlasticity is a super power!
  5. Enhanced Productivity:
    A balanced and regulated nervous system supports improved focus and concentration on the task at hand so you can perform efficiently to maximize your output.
  6. Improved Quality of Life:
    Feeling calm, clear, connected & present results in a higher quality of life. Your purpose becomes clearer, promoting fulfillment, satisfaction and connectedness. Progression is moving out of patterns that are rooted in stress and trauma.
  7. Greater Emotional Resilience:
    Your ability to respond to stressful unexpected/expected situations and or crises will improve dramatically. Experience more choice with Improved competence, confidence, character, contribution and connection.
  8. Stronger Relationships:
    Our quality of life depends on the quality of our relationships. Relationships issues with others are rooted in childhood attachment patterns to our own primary caregiver/s. When you understand this, a lot about your true self will unfold, thus freeing you up to pursue meaningful relationships and effective communication with others, outside of limiting or restricting beliefs and fears. Be less reactive, more present and attuned to self and others.
  9. Long-Term Health Benefits:
    By learning acceptance of your story, and how to make meaning of your life, your lifes experiences and your lifes narrative, you reduce the deep impacts of emotional suppression. This leads to an incredible lightness of being, leading to a higher likelihood of aging gracefully and maintaining health and wellness in later years.
  10. Personal Growth and Development:
    Presence and Attunement lead to ongoing self-reflection which fosters continued growth by means of heightened awareness in various aspects of self and life, thus leading to personal development.
  11. Enhanced Sleep Patterns:
    A regulated nervous system promotes a deep, restful , nourishing, rejuvenating quality of sleep, thus promoting overall health and fortitude.
  12. Reduced Burnout:
    Why “Cope” when you can “Thrive”? Learn how to effectively manage stress and anxiety. Our Intentional practices lead to sustainable changes in nervous system capability and flexibility. This developed neuroplasticity then encourages healthier patterns that in turn encourage a healthier work life balance.

Empower yourself to lead with purpose and impact through intentional wellbeing.

Ready to get Started? Schedule a Call!

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